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Relationships are part of the very fabric of your character’s life. How well or poorly they get along with others oftentimes comes down to personality, so carefully consider the positive traits and negative traits of your story’s cast. Another factor that can pull characters together or create friction is motivation, so keep each individual’s goal—both at the scene and story level—in mind as you write.
A relationship typified by surface politeness (the two people acknowledging one another, always saying "hello," etc .)
Asking small-talk-type questions about the acquaintance's life
Looking for common ground
Including the acquaintance whenever they're around
Making an attempt to recall important details from past exchanges (their name, their interests, a difficult time they were going through, etc.)
Seeing a need in the other person's life and offering to help
Empathizing deeply with the acquaintance's circumstance even though the character doesn't know the person particularly well
Picking up on the other person's cues (recognizing when they're uncomfortable or want to exit the conversation, etc.)
Avoiding eye contact so the character doesn't have to chat with the acquaintance
Forgetting the person's name or past conversations—not making an effort
Only being polite to the other person when it benefits the character
Making judgments or forming opinions about the acquaintance based on superficial or incomplete information
Ignoring the acquaintance; the character acting as if they don't know the other person